Vacavia allows you to book thousands of travel experiences in over 100 countries around the world.
The service was created to help travellers discover and book things to do – from museum visits to city tours, food and wine tastings and adventure activities – wherever they go, with the goal of enriching their every trip
Online Tickets — Book Tickets to Museums, Attractions, and Fun Activities all over the World. Book Online with Vacavia to Get Hassle-Free Tickets & Flexible Planning! Secure and Easy Booking.
We take great pride in serving clients from every corner of the world and helping travelers have better holidays! Check out what some of them had to say about their experience.
"We had a very enjoyable tour and our guide was very informative, she knew her subject." Cheryl, USA
"Amazing value. The guides for all three tours in Rome were experts but more than that - they truly loved their job and transferred that over to us as they displayed their expert knowledge in an interesting, easy way." Antoine, UK
"I bought two tickets to see the Chagall exhibition. The procedure was very simple and I was able to complete my reservation and print the tickets in just a few minutes. Once I arrived at the museum, I skipped the long line with my tickets in hand without wasting any time. I would say the service was great." Luca, Italy
"Top notch! Our guide Sébastiano shared his amazing knowledge with passion. I recommend it." Cecile, France
"Very easy transaction, prompt delivery of the voucher and the right price: everything was good." David, Germany
"Everything was perfect and excellent! And very easy. Thanks!" Maria, Spain
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